Back to all Stories with Drawings One time at university, my friend Selena came to visit. We ended up going clubbing with a bunch of my uni friends.
Ollie Randall, writing and cartoons
Back to all Stories with Drawings One time at university, my friend Selena came to visit. We ended up going clubbing with a bunch of my uni friends.
Journey to the Seaside Back to Stories with Drawings I was shortlisted in a writing competition, and my prize was a subsidised writing retreat in a Cretan seaside villa. I decided I would use the time to finish a novel about people who get stuck in an airport. Naturally, my flight was delayed, and I…
A month ago, I was drawing cartoons at the Hurlingham Club. Then, just as I finished this sketch, the lady lowered her newspaper and spotted me drawing her: She called me over, and I thought I was in trouble. Instead, she flipped through my sketchbook and made me a job offer. “I’m organising a charity…
Back to More Cartoons I am extremely short-sighted: without my glasses, I am in a lot of trouble. And everyone who wears glasses knows the fear of something disastrous happening to them and ruining your whole week…
Previously on Randall Writing: The Full Spa Treatment and The Immortality Project The Cherry Orchard In my first year of university, my friend Sian was helping out at a promotion for a student production of The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekhov. She invited me along – there was free vodka and some nibbles, and some…